
ナチスラーム: Nazislam[1][2], : Nazislam[3], : Nazislam[4], : Nazislam[5], : Nazislam[6]ナチスラム)またはイスラーム系ナチズム: Islamic Nazismイスラーム的ナチズム[7]は、ナチズムイスラームを関連付けた観点による用語。類似用語はイスラムファシズムなど。



イスラーム的かつナチ的な人物・集団は、イスラーム系ナチ(Islamic Nazi イスラーム的ナチ)[8]またはナチ系ムスリム(Nazi-Muslim ナチ的ムスリム)とも呼ばれる[9]

また批判的立場からは「西洋に対する戦争死の崇拝ヨーロッパ自殺」(war against the West, the cult of death, the suicide of Europe)とも呼ばれる[7]







Friendship and collaboration between two peoples must be built on a firm foundation. The necessary ingredients here are common spiritual and material interests as well as the same ideals. The relationship between the Muslims and the Germans is built on this foundation.

Never in its history has Germany attacked a Muslim nation. Germany battles world Jewry, Islam's principal enemy.

Germany also battles England and its allies, who have persecuted millions of Muslims, as well as Bolshevism, which subjugates forty million Muslims and threatens the Islamic faith in other lands.

Any one of these arguments would be enough of a foundation or a friendly relationship between two peoples. My enemy's enemy is my freind...you, my Bosnian Muslims, are the first Islamic division, and serve as an example of the active collaboration between Germany and the Muslims. I wish you much success in your holy mission.[11]

アル=フサイニー達ナチ系ムスリムの見解上では、ボスニア系ムスリム等のようなバルカン系ムスリムは、自分達を「精神的にアラブ(spiritually Arab)」、「人種的にドイツ(racially Germanic)」と見なしていた[12]。「ナチ人種神話」(Nazi race mythology)によれば、バルカン系ムスリムはスラヴ人ではなくドイツ人だった[12]。ナチスの権威主義ヒエラルキーの中では、バルカン系ムスリムはスラヴ人より一段上に置かれた[12]




  1. Vaaland 2016, p. 34.
  2. Google 2017, p. "Nazislam".
  3. Röther 2017, p. PT49.
  4. Bianchi 2015, p. 105.
  5. Baccelli 2010, p. 349.
  6. Kool & Jansz 2011, p. 1379.
  7. Aricò 2013, p. 187.
  8. Morse 2003, p. 79.
  9. Morse 2003, p. 74.
  10. Morse 2003, p. xi.
  11. Morse 2003, pp. 79–80.
  12. Morse 2003, p. 80.


  • Aricò, Santo L. (2013). The Unmasking of Oriana Fallaci: Part II and Conclusion to Her Life Story. Dorrance Publishing. ISBN 9781480900059
  • Baccelli, Vittorio (2010). Omniaoperarotas Due. Lulu.com. ISBN 9781446657058
  • Bianchi, Gérard-Fernand (2015). Rien de Rien.. Lulu.com. ISBN 978-1326386733
  • Google (2017), Nazislam, Google, https://www.google.com/search?gl=us&hl=en&pws=0&source=hp&ei=qBn3WauLEoOM8wW9woLACA&q=Nazislam&oq=Nazislam&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i30k1j0i5i10i30k1j0i5i30k1l2j0i30k1l2j0i5i30k1l2.676.2937.0.3054.
  • Kool, Leonard; Jansz, Isaac (2011). Islam. 3. Lulu.com. ISBN 9781447863229
  • Morse, Chuck (2003). The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-husseini. Iuniverse Inc. ISBN 978-0595659432
  • Röther, Christian (2017). Wenn die Wahrheit Kopf steht: Die Islamfeindlichkeit von AfD, Pegida & Co.. Gütersloher Verlagshaus. ISBN 978-3579086545. https://books.google.com/books?id=A4emDQAAQBAJ&pg=PAPT49
  • Vaaland, M. C. O. (2016). Viewing the World through an anti-Islamic lens(Master's thesis)
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