
田辺 新一(たなべ しんいち、1958年 - )は、日本の環境学者。専門は建築環境学福岡県出身。

田辺 新一
生誕 (1958-08-12) 1958年8月12日(64歳)
日本の旗 日本 福岡県





に最新情報が掲載されています。その他、Scopus、Google Schalar、Orcidを参照下さい。引用数の多い論文は以下です。

  • How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised? Morawska, L., Tang, J.W., Bahnfleth, W. Tanabe S....Wierzbicka, A.,Yao, M. Environment International, 2020, 142, 105832, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2020.105832
  • Evaluation of thermal comfort using combined multi-node thermoregulation (65MN) and radiation models and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Tanabe, S.-I., Kobayashi, K., Nakano, J., Ozeki, Y., Konishi, M. Energy and Buildings, 2002, 34(6), pp. 637–646,
  • Progress in thermal comfort research over the last twenty years De Dear, R.J., Akimoto, T., Arens, E.A., .Tanabe S...Zhang, H., Zhu, Y. Indoor Air, 2013, 23(6), pp. 442–461, 10.1111/ina.12046
  • Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II Földváry Ličina, V., Cheung, T.,Zhang, H., .Tanabe S..Zhang, Y., Zhou, X. Building and Environment, 2018, 142, pp. 502–512, 10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.06.022
  • Evaluating thermal environments by using a thermal manikin with controlled skin surface temperature Tanabe, S., Zhang, H., Arens, E.A., Madsen, T.L., Bauman, F.S. ASHRAE Transactions, 1994, 100(1), pp. 39–48
  • Comfort limits for asymmetric thermal radiation Fanger, P.O., Ipsen, B.M., Langkilde, G., ...Christensen, N.K.,Tanabe, S. Energy and Buildings, 1985, 8(3), pp. 225–236
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