
小林 哲郎(こばやし てつろう、1948年(昭和23年)10月23日 - )は、日本の医師医学者緩徐進行1型糖尿病(Slowly progressive insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: SPIDDM)を発見し、成因や治療法について研究を続けている。冲中記念成人病研究所 所長、山梨大学名誉教授。専門は糖尿病学、内科学

小林 哲郎こばやし てつろう
生誕 (1948-10-23) 1948年10月23日(74歳)
居住 日本の旗 日本
国籍 日本の旗 日本
出身校 金沢大学
研究分野 糖尿病学、内科学

日本医師会医学賞 2018年
「緩徐進行1型糖尿病(SPIDDM)の成因,診断,および発症・進展阻止に関する研究」 日本糖尿病学会賞
「Slowly Progressive Insulin-dependent (Type 1) Diabetes Mellitus (SPIDDM:緩徐進行1型糖尿病)の診断、病態および進展阻止に関する研究」 日本糖尿病学会賞

「インスリン依存型糖尿病のnatural history-slowly progressive IDDMを中心として」





緩徐進行1型糖尿病(SPIDDM)の発見[1]と原因研究に加え、膵島に直接接する細胞群である膵島外分泌腺様細胞群(Acinar-like cell cluster Touching Langerhans islets with Thin Interstitial Surrounding: ATLANTIS)を発見[2]。冲中記念成人病研究所 所長として研究活動をつづけている。


  1. Kobayashi T, Sawano S, Itoh T, Sugimoto T, Takahashi S, Tanaka T, Suwa S : Islet-cell antibodies in Insulin-dependent and non-insulin dependent diabetics in Japan : their prevalence and clinical significance. Clinico-genetic genesis of diabetes mellitus. Mimura G, Baba S, Goto Y, Kobberling J, Eds. Amsterdam, Excerpta Med p.150-160, 1982 (ICS No. 597)
  2. Kobayashi T, Sugimoto T, Itoh T, Kosaka K, Tanaka T, Suwa S, Satoh K, Tsuji K: The prevalence of islet cell antibodies in Japanese insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients studied by indirect immunofluorescence and by a new method. Diabetes 35 : 335-340, 1986
  3. Kobayashi T, Itoh T, Kosaka K, Sato K, Tsuji K: Time course of islet cell antibodies and beta-cell function in non-insulin-dependent stage of type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 36 : 510-517, 1987
  4. Kobayashi T, Nakanishi K, Sugimoto T, Itoh T, Murase T, Kosaka K, Tsuji K: Maleness as risk factor for slowly progressive IDDM. Diabetes Care 12 : 7-11, 1989
  5. Kobayashi T: Immunology and Immunogenetics of type I diabetes in Japan. IDF Bulletin 35 : 34-37, 1990
  6. Kobayashi T, Tamemoto K, Nakanishi K, Kato N, Okubo M, Kajio H, Sugimoto T, Murase T, Kosaka K: Immunogenetic and clinical characterization of slowly progressive IDDM. Diabetes Care 16 : 780-788, 1993
  7. Oka Y, Katagiri H, Yazaki Y, Murase T, Kobayashi T: Mitochondria gene mutation in islet-cell-antibody-positive patients who were initially non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Lancet 342 : 527-528, 1993
  8. Nakanishi K, Kobayashi T, Miyashita H, Okubo M, Sugimoto T, Murase T, Hashimoto M, Fukuchi S, Kosaka K: Exocrine pancreatic ductgrams in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Am J Gastroenterol 89 : 762-766, 1994
  9. Kobayashi T: Subtype of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in Japan : slowly progressive IDDM-the clinical characteristics and pathogenesis of the syndrome. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 24 (Suppl) : S95-S99, 1994
  10. Kobayashi T, Nakanishi K, Murase T, Kosaka K: Small doses of subcutaneous insulin as a strategy for preventing slowly progressive -cell failure in islet cell antibody-positive patients with clinical features of NIDDM.Diabetes 45 : 622-626, 1996
  11. Kobayashi T, Nakanishi K, Okubo M, Murase T, Kosaka K: GAD antibodies seldom disappear in slowly progressive IDDM. Diabetes Care 19: 1031, 1996
  12. Tanaka S, Kobayashi T, Momotsu T: A novel subtype of Type 1 diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med 342 : 1835-1837, 2000
  13. Tanaka S, Kobayashi T, Nakanishi K, Okubo M, Murase T, Hashimoto M, Takeuchi K: Corticosteroid-responsive diabetes mellitus associated with autoimmune pancreatitis. Lancet 356 : 910-911, 2000
  14. Kobayashi T, Tanaka S, Okubo M, Nakanishi K, Murase T, Lernmark Å: Unique epitopes of glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies in slowly progressive type 1 diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88 : 4768-4775, 2003
  15. Tanaka S, Endo T, Aida K, Shimura H, Yokomori N, Kaneshige M, Furuya F, Amemiya S, Mochizuki M, Nakanishi K, Kobayashi T: Distinct diagnostic criteria of fulminant type 1 diabetes based on serum C-peptide response and HbA1c levels at onset. Diabetes Care 27: 1936-1941, 2004
  16. Maruyama T, Tanaka S, Shimada A, Funae O, Kasuga A, Kanatsuka A, Takei I, Yamada S, Harii N, Shimura H, Kobayashi T: Insulin intervention in slowly progressive insulin- dependent (type 1) diabetes mellitus. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93: 2115-2121, 2008
  17. Endo T, Takizawa S, Tanaka S, Takahashi M, Fujii H, Kamisawa T, Kobayashi T: Amylase α-2A autoantibodies : Novel marker of autoimmune pancreatitis and fulminant type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 58: 732-737, 2009
  18. Tanaka S, Nishida Y, Aida K, Maruyama T, Shimada A, Suzuki M, Shimura H, Takizawa S, Takahashi M, Akiyama D, Arai-Yamashita S, Furuya F, Kawaguchi A, Kaneshige M, Katoh R, Endo T, Kobayashi T: Enterovirus infection, CXC chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10), and CXCR3 circuit: A mechanism of accelerated -cell failure in fulminant type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 58 : 2285-2291, 2009
  19. Aida K, Nishida Y, Tanaka S, Maruyama T, Shimada A, Awata T, Suzuki M, Shimura H, Takizawa S, Ichijo M, Akiyama D, Furuya F, Kawaguchi A, Kaneshige M, Itakura J, Fujii H, Endo T, Kobayashi T : RIG-I- and MDA5-initiated innate immunity linked with adaptive immunity accelerates T-cell death in fulminant type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 60: 884-889, 2011
  20. Furuya F, Shimura H, Asami K, Ichijo S, Takahashi K, Kaneshige M, Oikawa Y, Aida K, Endo T, Kobayashi T : Ligand-bound thyroid hormone receptor contributes to reprogramming of pancreatic acinar cells into insulin-producing cells. J Biol Chem 288 : 16155-16166, 2013
  21. Aida K, Saitoh S, Nishida Y, Yokota S, Ohno S, Mao X, Akiyama D, Tanaka S, Awata T, Shimada A, Oikawa Y, Shimura H, Furuya F, Takizawa S, Ichijo M, Ichijo S, Itakura J, Fujii H, Hashiguchi A, Takasawa S, Endo T, Kobayashi T: Distinct cell clusters touching islet cells induce islet cell replication in association with over-expression of regenerating gene (REG) protein in fulminant type 1 diabetes. PLoS ONE 9: e95110, 2014.
  22. Nishida Y, Aida K, Kihara M, Kobayashi T. Antibody-validated proteins in inflamed islets of fulminant type 1 diabetes profiled by laser-capture microdissection followed by mass spectrometry. PLoS ONE 9: e107664, 2014.
  23. Tanaka S, Ohmori M, Awata T, Simada A, Mrrao S, Maruyama T, Kamoi K, Kawasaki E, Nakanishi K, Nagata M, Fujii S, Ikegami H, Imagawa A, Uchigata Y, Okubo M, Osawa H, Kajio H, Kawaguchi A, Kawabata Y, Satoh J, Shimizu I, Takahashi K, Makino H, Iwahashi H, Mirra J, Yasuda K, Hanafusa T, Kobayashi T, Committee on Type 1 Diabetes. Diagnostic criteria for slowly progressive insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes ellitus (SPIDDM) (2012): report by the Committee on Slowly Progressive Insulin-Dependent (Type 1) Diabetes Mellitus of the Japan Diabetes Society. Diabetol Int 6: 1-7, 2015.
  24. Kobayashi T, Aida K, Fukui T, Jimbo E, Shimada A, Mori Y, Fujii T, Yagihashi S. Pancreatic ductal hyperplasia/dysplasia with obstructive chronic pancreatitis: an association with reduced pancreatic weight in type 1 diabetes. Diabetologia 59: 865-867, 2016.
  25. Tanaka S, Okubo M, Nagasawa K, Takizawa S, Ichijo M, Ichijo S, Kaneshige M, Aida K, Shimura H, Mori Y, Kobayashi T. Predictive value of titer of GAD antibodies for further progression of beta cell dysfunction in slowly progressive insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes (SPIDDM). Diabetol Int 7: 42–52, 2016.
  26. Awata T, Shimada A, Maruyama T, Oikawa Y, Yasukawa N, Kurihara S, Miyashita Y, Hatano M, Ikegami Y, Matsuda M, Niwa M, Kazama Y, Tanaka S, Kobayashi T. Possible long-term efficacy of sitagliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor, for slowly progressive type 1 diabetes (SPIDDM) in the stage of non-insulin-dependency: an open-label randomized controlled pilot trial (SPAN-S). Diabetes Ther 8:1123–1134, 2017.
  27. Aida K, Kobayashi T, Takeshita A, Jimbo E, Nishida Y, Yagihashi S, Hosoi M, Fukui T, Sugawara A, Takasawa S. Crucial role Reg 1 from acinar-like cell cluster touching with islets (ATLANTIS) on mitogenesis of beta cells in EMC virus-induced diabetic mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commu 503(2): 963-969, 2018.
  28. Aida K, Fukui T, Jimbo E, Yagihashi S, Shimada A, Oikawa Y, Mori Y, Fujii T, Nishida Y, Koyama R, Kobayashi T. Distinct Inflammatory Changes of the Pancreas of Slowly Progressive Insulin-dependent (Type 1) Diabetes. Pancreas 47(9): 1101-1109, 2018.


  • Diabetes in the New Millennium. ed by John R Turtle et al., 1999.
  • 臨床糖尿病マニュアル 小林哲郎編著 南江堂1996年2月第1版
  • 臨床糖尿病マニュアル改定第2版 小林哲郎編著 南江堂2004年6月第2版
  • インスリンポンプ療法マニュアル-CSII療法導入・管理のための手引き 小林哲郎、難波光義編集 南江堂 2009年3月第1版
  • インスリンポンプ療法マニュアル-CSII療法導入・管理のための手引き 改定第2版 小林哲郎、難波光義編集 南江堂 2014年6月第1版


  1. 小林哲郎、Slowly progressive insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (SPIDDM) 日本内科学会雑誌 2002年 91巻 4号 p.1152-1154, doi:10.2169/naika.91.1152
  2. Aida K, Saitoh S, Nishida Y, Yokota S, Ohno S, Mao X, et al. (2014) Distinct Cell Clusters Touching Islet Cells Induce Islet Cell Replication in Association with Over-Expression of Regenerating Gene (REG) Protein in Fulminant Type 1 Diabetes. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95110., doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095110
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