マティアス・ツィンマーマン (アーティスト)

マティアス・ツィンマーマン(Matthias A. K. Zimmermann, 1981年5月6日 - )は、スイス出身の芸術家。バーゼルで生まれ、幼年期をアールガウ州にて過ごす。

Matthias A. K. Zimmermann
スイスの旗 スイスバーゼル
国籍スイスの旗 スイス
日本美術 , 日本庭園, コンピュータゲーム, 積木


バーゼル=ラントバーゼル=シュタットの州立校を卒業後、ベルン芸術大学にて作曲を学ぶ。さらにルツェルン応用科学・芸術大学にて芸術を、チューリッヒ芸術大学においてゲームデザイン・芸術教育を学ぶ。彼の代表的な作品は、 仮想空間に於ける 日本庭園設計の表現、ゲームアートを始めとするものである。その作品はアールガウ州アートハウス、ルツェルン美術館を始めとするスイス国内外での個展にて高い評価を得ている[1] [2] [3]

『凍りついた街』、絵画、キャンバス、160 cm x 160 cm, 2006年
美術館 (Museum of Art Aarau), アーラウ, スイス
『つながっている街』, 絵画、キャンバス, 100 cm x 205 cm, 2005年
美術館 (Museums Quarter, St. Annen-Museum), リューベック, ドイツ
『折れ曲がった街』, 絵画、キャンバス, 160 cm x 165 cm, 2007年
美術館 (Museum of Art Aarau), アーラウ, スイス
『霧の切れ目にある4つの入り口、絵画、キャンバス、160 cm x 175 cm、2008年
美術館 (Museum of Art Aarau), アーラウ, スイス




  • Urs Bugmann: Pictures, perfect as a computer game & «The constructed atmosphere»
published in New Lucerne Journal, Switzerland[8]
  • René Stettler: The combination of knowledge, experience and intuition - to Epistemology by Matthias Zimmermann's "Model Worlds"
published in New Gallery Lucerne - Foundation for Art and Science, Switzerland[9]
  • Urs Bugmann: A World of Extreme Artificiality
published in New Lucerne Journal, Switzerland[10]
  • Davis Schrapel: The digitally constructed world
published in Games Art, Germany[11]
  • Davis Schrapel: The atmosphere of the construction"
published in Games Art, Germany[12]
  • Davis Schrapel: The room-machine 1-3 - video games on the aspect of a "building block world"
published in Games Art, Germany[13]
  • Davis Schrapel: The machine room 4 - The perspective of inspiration and geometry
published in Games Art, Germany[14]
  • Davis Schrapel: The "2D side-scrolling levels" in concept
published in Games Art Games, Germany[15]
  • Kristina Piwecki: Viewing the Model-Worlds
published in the Culture Swiss Bagazine blog", Switzerland
  • Anna Chugunova: Model Worlds_Matthias Zimmermann (in Russian)
published in Winzavod Journal - Moscow Centre of Contemporary Art, Moscow[16]
  • Mary Ledneva: Matthias Zimmermann - solo exhibition at the gallery, "11:12" (in Russian)
published in The Village, Moscow[17]
  • Swiss Embassy in Moscow: Moscow. Matthias Zimmermann at Winzavod (English & Russian)
published in swiss kul'tura - News about Swiss culture in Russia, Moscow[18]


  1. Artists website in German, English
  2. Exhibition Catalog: Museum of Art Aarau & SIKART - Archive for Art Research, Schweiz, Matthias A. K. Zimmermann
  3. Exhibition Catalog: Museum of Art Lucerne & Website: Museum of Art Lucerne Archived 2013年1月1日, at Archive.is
  4. Exhibition Catalog & Website Art Museum of Aarau (http://www.aargauerkunsthaus.ch) direct verification,
  5. Exhibition Catalog & Website Art Museum of Lucerne (http://www.kunstmuseumluzern.ch/en.html) direct verification Archived 2013年1月1日, at Archive.is
  6. Exhibition Catalog & Website Museum of Computer Games (http://www.computerspielemuseum.de/1210_Home.htm) direct verification,
  7. Music and images - Database, Department of Music, University of Innsbruck
  8. Dr. phil. Urs Bugmann: Pictures, perfect as a computer game & «The constructed atmosphere», published in New Lucerne Journal, Switzerland - direct link
  9. Dr. phil. René Stettler: The combination of knowledge, experience and intuition - to Epistemology by Matthias Zimmermann's "Model Worlds", published in New Gallery Lucerne - Foundation for Art and Science Switzerland - direct link
  10. Dr. phil. Urs Bugmann: A World of Extreme Artificiality, published in New Lucerne Journal - direct link (english)
  11. Davis Schrapel: The digitally constructed world, published in Games Art - direct link
  12. Davis Schrapel: The atmosphere of the construction, published in Games Art, Germany - direct link
  13. Davis Schrapel: The machine room 1-3 - video games on the aspect of a "building block world", published in Games Art, Germany - direct link
  14. Davis Schrapel: The machine room 4 - The perspective of inspiration and geometry, published in Games Art - direct link
  15. Davis Schrapel: The "2D side-scrolling levels" in concept, published in Games Art, Germany - direct link
  16. Anna Chugunova: Model Worlds_Matthias Zimmermann (in russian), published in Winzavod Journal - direct link
  17. Mary Ledneva: Matthias Zimmermann - solo exhibition at the gallery, "11:12" (in Russian), published in The Village - direct link
  18. Swiss Embassy in Moscow: Moscow. Matthias Zimmermann at Winzavod (English & Russian), published in swiss kul'tura - News about Swiss culture in Russia, Moscow - direct link


  • Natascha Adamowsky (ed.): Digital Modern. The Model Worlds by Matthias Zimmermann. Hirmer Publishers, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-7774-2388-3[1]
  • Mark R. Hesslinger/Beate Reifenscheid (ed.): Die Realität und das Göttliche - Vom Deutschherrenhaus zum Ludwig Museum 1216 - 2016, Koblenz: Ludwig Museum 2016, ISBN 978-3-9816878-2-8
  • Huberts|Christian Huberts, Sebastian Standke (Hrsg.): Between|Worlds: Atmospheres in the Computer Game. Werner Hülsbusch, Glückstadt 2014, ISBN 978-3-86488-063-6
  • Dagmar Fenner (Hrsg.): Was kann und darf Kunst? Ein ethischer Grundriss. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a. M. 2013, ISBN 978-3-59339-871-6


  1. Hirmer Verlag
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