
マイケル・デビッド・ソーキンMichael David Sorkin、1948年8月2日 - 2020年3月26日)は、アメリカの建築および都市の評論家、建築家デザイナー、都市計画家および教育者[2]

生誕Michael David Sorkin
(1948-08-02) 1948年8月2日
Washington, D.C., U.S.
Manhattan, New York City, U.S.
職業Architect, urban designer, writer, educator
配偶者Joan Copjec (married 1982-2020)[1]
所属 Michael Sorkin Studio

彼は21世紀の変わり目における現代文化と都市、場所の設計における批評家として[3]「建築界で最も率直な公の知識人」の1人であるとされている[4]。ソーキンは最初に、ニューヨーク市のヴィレッジボイスの建築評論家として有名になり、その後は数年間世界中の著名な大学で教え、彼の名を冠した会社を通じて実践する傍らで、非営利本の出版社を設立、ニューヨークのシティカレッジで都市デザインプログラムを指揮していく [5][6] が、COVID-19によって引き起こされた合併症のためにCOVID-19パンデミックによって71歳の生涯を閉じた [7]



ソーキンは2020年3月26 にマンハッタンでCOVID-19によって引き起こされた合併症のために亡くなる[22]。 彼の死は COVID-19パンデミック開始時に専門家として最も多大な損失の1つとして、国際的ニュースとなり、賛辞が主流、左派、および建築メディアに溢れ出していた[4][5][23][24]



  • Sorkin, M. & Beede Howe, M. (1981) Go Blow Your Nose. New York: St. Martin's Press.[30]
  • Sorkin, M. (1991) Exquisite Corpse: Writing on Buildings. London: Verso.[31]
  • Sorkin, M. (1993) Local Code: The Constitution of a City at 42° N Latitude. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. (1993)[32]
  • Sorkin, M. (1997) Traffic In Democracy. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan College of Architecture and Urban Planning.[33]
  • Sorkin, M. (2001) Some Assembly Required. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.[34]
  • Sorkin, M. (2002) Pamphlet Architecture 22 : Other Plans: University of Chicago Studies, 1998–2000.New York: Princeton Architectural Press.[35]
  • Sorkin, M. (2003) Starting From Zero: Reconstructing Downtown New York. New York : Routledge.[36]
  • Sorkin, M. (ed.) (2005) "Against the Wall: Israel's Barrier to Peace." New York : Norton.[37]
  • Sorkin, M. (2008) Indefensible Space : The Architecture of the National Insecurity State. New York : Routledge.[38]
  • Sorkin, M. (2009) Twenty Minutes in Manhattan. London: Reaktion.[39]
  • Sorkin, M. (2011) All Over The Map: Writing on Buildings and Cities. London: Verso.[40][41]
  • Sorkin, M. (2018) What Goes Up: The Right and Wrongs to the City London: Verso.[42]


  • Sorkin, M., "The Domestic Apparatus." In Ranalli, G., "George Ranalli : buildings and projects." Princeton Architectural Press, 1988.[44]
  • Sorkin, M., "Ciao Manhattan." In Klotz, H. "New York architecture, 1970–1990." New York, N.Y: Rizzoli International, 1989.[45] Publications.
  • Sorkin, M., "Forward." In Vanlaethem, F.,"Gaetano Pesce : architecture, design, art." New York : Rizzoli, 1989.[46]
  • Sorkin, M., "Nineteen millennial mantras." In Noever, P.(ed.), "Architecture in transition: Between deconstruction and new modernism." Munich: Prestel, 1991.[47]
  • Sorkin, M., "Introduction: Variations on a Theme Park." In Sorkin, M. (ed.), "Variations on a Theme Park : Scenes From The Few American City and the End of Public Space." Hill and Wang, 1992, pp. xi-xv.[48]
  • Sorkin, M., "Preface." In "Hugh Hardy, Malcolm Holzman, and Norman Pfeiffer: Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates Buildings and projects, 1967–1992." New York: Rizzoli International, 1992.[49]
  • Sorkin, M., "Ten for TEN." In TEN Arquitectos (Firm), "TEN Arquitectos: Enrique Norten, Bernardo Gómez-Pimienta." New York: Monacelli Press, 1998.[50]
  • Sorkin, M., "Introduction: Traffic in Democracy." In Joan Copjec, (ed.), "Giving ground : the politics of propinquity." London: Verso, 1999.[51]
  • Sorkin, M., "Frozen Light." In Friedman, M. (ed.), "Gehry talks : architecture + process." New York : Rizzoli, 1999.[52]
  • Sorkin, M. "Measure of Comfort." In Chambers, K. & Sorkin, M.(eds.), "Comfort : reclaiming place in a virtual world."[53] Cleveland, Ohio : Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, 2001, pp. i-xi.[54]
  • Sorkin, M., "The Center Cannot Hold." In Sorkin, S. & Zukin, S.(eds.), "After the World Trade Center: Rethinking New York City." New York City: Routledge, 2002.[55]
  • Sorkin, M. (ed.), "The next Jerusalem: sharing the divided city." New York, NY: Monacelli Press, 2002.
  • Sorkin, M., "Sex, drugs, rock and roll, cars, dolphins, and architecture." In Lewallen, C., Seid, S., Lord, C., & Ant Farm (Design group)(eds.),"Ant Farm, 1968–1978." Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004.[56]
  • Sorkin, M., "More or less." In Brown, D.J.(ed.),"The HOME House Project : the future of affordable housing," Winston Salem: Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, 2004.[57]
  • Sorkin, M., "Lunch With Emilio." In Ambasz, E. & Dodds, J., (eds.), "Analyzing Ambasz." New York, Monacelli Press, 2004.[58]
  • Sorkin, M., "With the Grain." In Sirefman, S., Sorkin, M.(eds.), "Whereabouts: New architecture with local identities." New York: Monacelli Press, 2004.[59]
  • Sorkin, M., "The second greatest generation." In Saunders, W. S., & Frampton, K. "Commodification and spectacle in architecture: A Harvard design magazine reader." Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005, pp. 22–33.[60]
  • Sorkin, M., "Introduction: Saratoga Springs!," in Ranalli, G., "Saratoga, George Ranalli" San Rafael, Calif.: Oro Editions, 2009, pp. 6–11.[61]
  • Sorkin, M., "Forward." In "Miguel Ángel Aragonés" New York: Rizzoli, 2013.
  • Sorkin, M., Essay. In Abbott, C., "In/formed by the land: The architecture of Carl Abbott." San Francisco, Calif.: Oro Editions, 2013.[62]
  • Fontenot, A., McReese, C., Sorkin, M. (eds.), "New Orleans under Reconstruction: The Crisis of Planning." London: Verso, 2014.[63]
  • Sorkin, M., "Preface." In Durán Calisto, A.M., Altwicker, M., Sorkin, M., (eds.), "Beyond Petropolis: Designing a Practical Utopia in Nueva Loja." Shinzen, China: Oscar Riera Ojeda Publishers, 2015.[64]


  1. “Michael Sorkin Weds Joan K. Copjec, Editor”. New York Times. (1982年2月3日). https://www.nytimes.com/1982/02/03/style/michael-sorkin-weds-joa-n-k-copjec-editor.html 2020年4月23日閲覧。
  2. Quito, Anne (2020年3月28日). “Michael Sorkin, architecture's brilliant sage, has died of complications from Covid-19”. Quartz. https://qz.com/1826627/architect-michael-sorkin-dies-of-complications-from-covid-19/?utm_source=YPL&yptr=yahoo
  3. Caves, R. W. (2004). Encyclopedia of the City. Routledge. pp. 622. ISBN 9780415252256. https://archive.org/details/encyclopediacity00cave
  4. Giovannini, Joseph (2020年3月29日). “Michael Sorkin, 71, Dies; Saw Architecture as a Vehicle for Change” (英語). The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/29/arts/michael-sorkin-dead.html 2020年4月4日閲覧。
  5. Gibson, Eleanor (2020年3月27日). “'Fierce and brilliant' architect and critic Michael Sorkin dies of coronavirus”. Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2020/03/27/architect-critic-michael-sorkin-dies-coronavirus/
  6. Wilson, Mark (2020年3月27日). “CORONAVIRUS CRISIS: Celebrated architect and critic Michael Sorkin dies from COVID-19 complications”. Fast Company. https://www.fastcompany.com/90482820/celebrated-architect-and-critic-michael-sorkin-dies-from-covid-19-complications 2020年3月29日閲覧. "The novel coronavirus claims the life of a vocal, progressive leader in the architecture community."
  7. Pacheco, Antonio (2020年3月26日). “Michael Sorkin, visionary and incisive architect, educator, critic, has passed away from COVID-19” (英語). Archinect News. https://archinect.com/news/article/150191096/michael-sorkin-visionary-and-incisive-architect-educator-critic-has-passed-away-from-covid-19 2020年3月26日閲覧。
  8. Gastil, Raymond W. (2002). Beyond the Edge: New York's New Waterfront (1st ed.). Princeton Architectural Press. p. 208. ISBN 978-1-56898-327-1
  9. Gans, Deborah; Weisz, Claire, eds (2004). Extreme Sites. London: Wiley Academy. pp. 128 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm. ISBN 978-0-470-86709-9. https://www.worldcat.org
  10. Pamphlet Architecture 22: Other Plans: University Chicago Studies Michael Sorkin Studio. Princeton Architectural Press. (2002). ISBN 978-1-56898-309-7
  11. Arverne: Housing on the Edge”. The Architectural League NY. 2020年8月19日閲覧。
  12. Witness and Response: September 11 Acquisitions at the Library of Congress”. The Library of Congress: Prints and Photographs Division. 2020年8月19日閲覧。
  13. Hosey, Lance (June 11, 2012). The Shape of The Green: : Aesthetics, Ecology, and Design (3rd ed.). Amazon Digital Services, Inc.: Island Press. ISBN 978-1-61091-031-6
  14. Tabb, Phillip James (2014). The Greening of Architecture. Ashgate Publishing, Limited. p. 133. ISBN 978-1-4094-4739-9
  15. Sorkin, Michael (May 2013). “Origin of Species”. Architectural Digest 83 (9): 60–67. doi:10.1002/ad.1591. ISSN 0003-8504.
  16. Ruby, I. Bridger; Ruby, A.; Something Fantastic; Bridger, J. (2010). Re-inventing construction. Berlin: Ruby. ISBN 978-3-9813436-2-5. http://www.worldcat.org
  17. Schneiderman, R.M. (2010年6月15日). “Imagining Lower Manhattan Without Cars”. The Wall Street Journal. http://blogs.wsj.com
  18. Thibeau. Cooper Hewitt Names New Director and Announces National Design Awards”. Architect Magazine: The Journal of the American Institute of Architects. 2020年8月19日閲覧。
  19. “28+: MOMA PS1 Rockaway Call for Ideas Winning Proposal / Michael Sorkin Studio”. ArchDaily. (2013年6月28日). http://www.archdaily.com
  20. Sorkin, Michael (2005年7月13日). “Ten Better Places for a Football Stadium”. The Architect's Newspaper. http://archpaper.com/
  21. “Michael Sorkin Studio”. The Architect's Newspaper. (2013年4月9日). https://archpaper.com/2013/04/michael-sorkin-studio/
  22. Giovannini (2020年3月29日). Michael Sorkin, 71, Dies; Saw Architecture as a Vehicle for Change”. The New York Times. 2020年3月29日閲覧。
  23. The Collective Work of Art We Call the City (英語). jacobinmag.com. 2020年4月5日閲覧。
  24. Angotti. Missing Michael Sorkin”. Progressive City. 2020年8月19日閲覧。
  25. CCNY Distinguished Professor Michael Sorkin Elected Fellow Of American Academy Of Arts & Sciences”. City College of New York (2009年4月21日). 2020年3月28日閲覧。
  26. Maria Cecilia Fagel and Michael Sorkin, Editors: UR (Urban Research)”. Terreform (2016年). 2020年8月19日閲覧。
  27. Graham Foundation > Grantees > Robin Balles, Christian Eusebio & Michael Sorkin”. www.grahamfoundation.org. 2020年3月27日閲覧。
  28. 2013 National Design Award Winners | Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum (英語). Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum (2019年7月23日). 2020年3月27日閲覧。
  29. Michael Sorkin: Current Fellow”. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fondation. 2020年8月19日閲覧。
  30. Sorkin, Michael; Howe, Marguerite Beede (1981). Go Blow Your Nose. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp. 88 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-0-312-32987-7. https://www.worldcat.org
  31. Exquisite Corpse : Writing on Buildings. New York: Verso. (1991). p. x. ISBN 978-0-86091-323-8
  32. Sorkin, Michael (1993). Local code : the constitution of a city at 42°N latitude. New York: Princteton Architectural Press. ISBN 978-1-878271-79-2
  33. Sorkin, Michael (1997). Traffic in democracy (1st ed.). Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan College of Architecture and Urban Planning. ISBN 978-0-9614792-9-9
  34. Sorkin, Michael (2001). Some assembly required (1st ed.). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-0-8166-9101-2
  35. Sorkin, Michael; University of Chicago (2001). Pamphlet architecture 22 : other plans : University of Chicago studies, 1998–2000. New York, NY : Princeton Architectural Press: Princeton Architectural Pres. ISBN 978-1-56898-309-7
  36. Sorkin, Michael (2003). Starting From Zero (1st ed.). New York: Routledge. p. 144. ISBN 978-0-415-94737-4
  37. Sorkin, Michael (2005). Against the wall : Israel's barrier to peace. New York: W.W. Norton. p. xxx. ISBN 978-1-56584-990-7. https://archive.org/details/againstwall00mich
  38. Graham, Stephen; Flusty, Steven; Boyer, M. Christine; Gillem, Mark; Simone, AbdouMaliq; Cruz, Teddy; Gilmore, Ruth Wilson & Craig; Holt-Diamant, Kathi et al. (2008). Sorkin, Michael. ed. Indefensible space : the architecture of the National Insecurity State (1st ed.). Routelege: Routledge. p. XVII. ISBN 978-0-415-95367-2
  39. Salter Reynolds, Susan (2009年7月5日). “DISCOVERIES 'Twenty Minutes in Manhattan' by Michael Sorkin; 'Drift' by Victoria Patterson; 'A Day in the Life of Ancient Rome' by Alberto Angela”. Los Angeles Times
  40. Sorkin, Michael (2011). All over the map : writing on buildings and cities (1st ed.). London; New York: Verso. ISBN 978-1-84467-323-0
  41. Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert (2011年8月19日). “All Over the Map: Writing on Buildings and Cities by Michael Sorkin”. The Telegraph
  42. Sorkin, Michael (2018). What Goes Up: The Right and Wrongs to the City (1st ed.). London; New York: Verso. ISBN 978-1-78663-515-0
  43. why "selected"? please include all bibliographic entries.
  44. Ranalli, George (1988). George Ranalli : buildings and projects (1st ed.). Princeton Architectural Press. pp. 107 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm. ISBN 978-0-910413-42-8. https://www.worldcat.org
  45. Klotz, Heinrich (1989). New York architecture, 1970–1990. International Publication: Rizzoli. ISBN 978-0-8478-1138-0. https://archive.org/details/newyorkarchitect0000unse
  46. Vanlaethem, France; Pesce, Gaetano (1989). Gaetano Pesce : architecture, design, art. New York: Rizzoli. pp. 126 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm. ISBN 978-0-8478-1086-4. https://www.worldcat.org
  47. Noever, Peter, ed (1991). Architecture in transition : between deconstruction and new modernism. Munich: Prestel. pp. 157 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. ISBN 978-3-7913-1136-4. https://www.worldcat.org
  48. Sorkin, Michael, ed (March 1992). Variations on a Theme Park: The New American City and the End of Public Space (1st ed.). Hill and Wang. p. 272. ISBN 978-0-374-52314-5. https://archive.org/details/variationsonthem00mich/page/272
  49. Hardy, Hugh; Holzman, Malcolm; Pfeiffer, Norman; Polites, Nicholas; Schmertz, Mildred F.; Sorkin, Michael (1992). Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates : buildings and projects, 1967–1992. New York: Rizzoli. ISBN 978-0-8478-1480-0. https://www.worldcat.org
  50. TEN Arquitectos (Firm) (1998). TEN Arquitectos : Enrique Norten, Bernardo Gómez-Pimienta. New York: Monacelli Press. pp. 221 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. ISBN 978-1-885254-91-7
  51. Copjec, Joan, ed (1999). Giving ground : the politics of propinquity (1st ed.). New York: Verso. ISBN 978-1-85984-892-0. http://www.worldcat.org
  52. Gehry talks : architecture + process. New York: Rizzoli. (1999). ISBN 978-0-8478-2165-5. http://www.worldcat.org
  53. Ackermann, Franz; Land, Peter; Morris, Sarah; Orozco, Gabriel; Pardo, Jorge; Rehberger, Tobias; Schneider, Gregor; Zittel, Abdrea et al. (2001). Chambers; Sorkin, Michael. eds. Comfort : reclaiming place in a virtual world. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art. pp. 77 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm. ISBN 978-1-880353-18-9. https://www.worldcat.org
  54. Comfort: Reclaiming place in a virtual world: Franz Ackermann, Peter Land, Sarah Morris. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art. (2001). ISBN 978-1-880353-18-9. http://www.worldcat.org
  55. Sorkin, Michael; Zukin, Sharon, eds (2002). After the World Trade Center : rethinking New York City (1st ed.). New York: Routledge. p. xi. ISBN 978-0-415-93479-4. http://www.worldcat.org
  56. “Ant Farm, 1968–1978”. Berkeley Art Museum: xiii. (2004). OCLC 52775189.
  57. Badanes, Steve; Brown, David J.; Nicholson, Ben; Sorkin, Michael (2004). Brown, D.J.. ed. The HOME House Project: The future of affordable housing. Winston Salem: Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art. https://www.worldcat.org
  58. Emilio, Ambaz (2004). Dodds, Jerrilynn Denise. ed. Analyzing Ambasz. New York: Monacelli Press. ISBN 978-1-58093-135-9. http://www.worldcat.org
  59. Sirefman, Susanna; Sorkin, Michael, eds (2004). Whereabouts : new architecture with local identities. New York: Monacelli Press. pp. 191 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm. ISBN 978-1-58093-120-5. https://www.worldcat.org
  60. Saunders, William S., ed (2005). “Commodification and Spectacle in Architecture: A Harvard Design Magazine Reader”. Harvard Design Magazine Reader 1: 114. JSTOR 10.5749/j.cttttr80.
  61. Ranalli, George (2009). Saratoga (1st ed.). San Rafael, Calif.: Oro Editions. p. 112. ISBN 978-0-9814628-8-2. http://www.worldcat.org
  62. Abbott, Carl (2013). In/formed by the land : the architecture of Carl Abbott. Berkeley, CA: ORO Editions. pp. 252 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 x 31 cm. ISBN 978-1-935935-49-0. https://www.worldcat.org
  63. New Orleans under reconstruction : the crisis of planning (1st ed.). London: Verso. (2014). ISBN 978-1-78168-272-2. http://www.worldcat.org
  64. Beyond petropolis : designing a practical utopia in Nueva Loja. Shinzen, China: Oscar Riera Ojeda. (2015). p. 359 pages : color illustrations, color maps, color charts, color plans ; 30 x 22 cm. ISBN 978-9881619426. http://www.worldcat.org


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