


ウィリアム・シェイクスピア 20億[1] 40億[2] 英語 戯曲 イギリス
アガサ・クリスティ 20億[3] 40億[2] 英語 推理、『ミス・マープル』、『エルキュール・ポアロ 85 イギリス
バーバラ・カートランド 5億[4] 10億[5] 英語 恋愛 723 イギリス
ハロルド・ロビンズ 7億5000万[6] 7億5000万[7] 英語 冒険 23 アメリカ
ジョルジュ・シムノン 5億[8] 7億[9] フランス語 推理、『ジュール・メグレ 570 ベルギー
イーニッド・ブライトン 3億[10] 6億[11] 英語 児童文学、『ノディ 800 イギリス
ダニエル・スティール 5億6000万[12] 5億7000万[13] 英語 恋愛 72 アメリカ
ドクター・スース 1億[14] 5億[15] 英語 児童文学 44 アメリカ
ギルバート・パッテン 1億2500万[16] 5億[17] 英語 冒険 209 アメリカ
レフ・トルストイ 4億1300万[18] ロシア語 ロシア
J・K・ローリング 3億5000万[19] 4億[20] 英語 ハリー・ポッター 10 イギリス
ジャッキー・コリンズ 2億5000万[21] 4億[22] 英語 恋愛 25 イギリス
ホレイショ・アルジャー 2億[23] 4億[24] 英語 ダイムノヴェル 135 アメリカ
R・L・スタイン 1億[25] 4億[26] 英語 グースバンプス』、『Fear Street 160 アメリカ
コリン・テジャード 4億[27] 4億[28] スペイン語 恋愛 4000 スペイン
シドニィ・シェルダン 3億2500万[29] 4億[30] 英語 サスペンス 19 アメリカ
アレクサンドル・プーシキン 3億5700万[18] ロシア語 ロマン主義文学(小説・詩・戯曲) ロシア
スティーヴン・キング 3億[31] 3億5000万[32] 英語 ホラーファンタジー 70 アメリカ
赤川次郎 3億[33] 3億3000万[34] 日本語 ミステリー 620+ 日本
ルイス・ラムーア 2億3000万[35] 3億3000万[36] 英語 西部劇en) 101 アメリカ
ディーン・R・クーンツ 2億[37] 3億2500万[38] 英語 スリラー 60 アメリカ
E・S・ガードナー 1億[39] 3億2500万[40] 英語 ミステリー,『ペリー・メイスン 140 アメリカ
金庸 1億[41] 3億[42] 中国語 武侠 15 香港中国
ジャネット・デイリー 3億[43] 3億[44] 英語 恋愛 93 アメリカ
ノーラ・ロバーツ 1億4500万[45] 3億[46] 英語 恋愛 145 アメリカ
ロバート・ラドラム 1億1000万[47] 2億9000万[48] 英語 スパイ 40 アメリカ
フレデリック・ダール 2億[49] 2億9000万[50] フランス語 推理、『サン・アントニオ』 300 スイス
Stan and Jan Berenstain 2億[51] 2億6000万[52] 英語 Berenstain Bears 300+ アメリカ
ジョン・グリシャム 1億[53] 2億5000万[54] 英語 Legal thriller 22 アメリカ
ゼイン・グレイ 2億5000万[55] 英語 西部劇 アメリカ
アーヴィング・ウォーレス 2億5000万[56] 英語 サスペンス アメリカ
J・R・R・トールキン 2億[57] 2億5000万[58] 英語 クラシカル・ファンタジー、『指輪物語』、『ホビットの冒険 36 イギリス
カール・マイ 1億[59] 2億[60] ドイツ語 西部劇、冒険 80 ドイツ
ミッキー・スピレイン 1億[61] 2億[62] 英語 推理、『マイク・ハマー』(en) アメリカ
C・S・ルイス 1億[63] 2億[64] 英語 ナルニア国ものがたり 38 アイルランド
西村京太郎 2億[65] 日本語 ミステリー 620+ 日本
チャールズ・ディケンズ 2億[66] 英語 文学 イギリス
アン・M・マーティン 1億7200万[67] 1億8000万[68] 英語 The Baby-sitters Club 335 アメリカ
司馬遼太郎 1億8000万[69] 日本語 歴史 350 日本
アーサー・ヘイリー 1億5000万[70] 1億7000万[71] 英語 スリラー 11 アメリカ
ジェラール・ド・ヴィリエ 1億5000万[72] フランス語 推理、『SAS』 170 フランス
ビアトリクス・ポター 1億[73] 1億5000万[74] 英語 ピーターラビット 23 イギリス
マイケル・クライトン 1億5000万[75] 1億5000万[76] 英語 テクノスリラー 25 アメリカ
リチャード・スカーリー 1億[77] 1億5000万[78] 英語 児童文学 250 アメリカ
ジェイムズ・パタースン 1億[79] 1億5000万[80] 英語 スリラー 48 アメリカ
クライブ・カッスラー 4000万[81] 1億5000万[82] 英語 冒険、『ダーク・ピット 37 アメリカ
アリステア・マクリーン 1億5000万[83] 英語 冒険、スリラー、戦争 32 イギリス
アストリッド・リンドグレーン 1億[84] 1億4500万[85] スウェーデン語 児童文学 100 スウェーデン
ジェフリー・アーチャー 1億2000万[86] 1億4000万[87] 英語 クライムスリラー 30 イギリス
吉川英治 1億2000万[88] 日本語 宮本武蔵 7 日本
キャサリン・クックソン 1億[89] 1億2000万[90] 英語 恋愛 103 イギリス
ノーマン・ブリッドウェル 1億[91] 1億1000万[92] 英語 おおきいあかい クリフォード 80 アメリカ
パウロ・コエーリョ 9200万[93] 1億[94] ポルトガル語 アルケミスト - 夢を旅した少年 ブラジル
ロアルド・ダール 1億[95] 1億[96] 英語 児童文学 50 イギリス
エド・マクベイン 1億[97] 1億[98] 英語 推理、『エド・マクベイン』 94 アメリカ
アンドリュー・ニーダーマン 1億[99] 1億[100] 英語 V・C・アンドリュース、『The Devil's Advocate 60 アメリカ
ロジャー・ハーグリーブス 1億[101] 1億[102] 英語 児童文学、『ミスターメン イギリス
アン・ライス 7500万[103] 1億[104] 英語 スリラー、吸血鬼(en) 27 アメリカ
ロビン・クック 1億[105] 1億[106] 英語 メディカルスリラー 27 アメリカ
ウィルバー・スミス 8000万[107] 1億[108] 英語 冒険 32 ザンビア
アースキン・コールドウェル 8000万[109] 1億[110] 英語 文学 25 アメリカ
エリナー・ヒバート 1億[111] 1億[112] 英語 恋愛、歴史、サスペンス 200 イギリス
ルイス・キャロル 1億[113] 不思議の国のアリス 5 イギリス
デニース・ロビン 1億[114] 英語 恋愛 200 イギリス
曹雪芹 1億[115] 中国語 紅楼夢 中国
イアン・フレミング 1億[116] 1億[117] 英語 ジェームズ・ボンド 14 イギリス
ヘルマン・ヘッセ 1億[118] 1億[119] ドイツ語 文学 ドイツ、スイス
レックス・スタウト 1億[120] 1億[121] 英語 ネロ・ウルフ 50 アメリカ
アン・ゴロン 1億[122] 1億[123] フランス語 アンジェリク』(en) 14 フランス
ケン・フォレット 9000万[124] 1億[125] 英語 スパイスリラーヒストリカルスリラー 30 イギリス
フランク・G・スラウター 1億[126] 英語 医療 62 アメリカ
エドガー・ライス・バローズ 1億[127] 英語 ターザン・シリーズ』、『火星シリーズ アメリカ
ジョン・クリーシー 1億[128] 英語 クライムスリラー 600 イギリス
ジェームズ・ミッチェナー 1億[129] 英語 歴史 47 アメリカ
内田康夫 1億[130] 日本語 ミステリー 130+ 日本
森村誠一 1億[130] 日本語 ミステリー 350+ 日本
デビー・マッコーマー 6000万[131] 1億[132] 英語 恋愛 アメリカ
メアリ・H・クラーク 1億[133] 英語 スリラー アメリカ


  1. Times Online on William Shakespeare: "Christie sold more than two billion books, translated into 103 languages. Only the Bible and Shakespeare’s works are said to have sold more." (September 14 2005)
  2. Times Online on William Shakespeare and Agathe Christie: "Christie wrote 80 detective novels mostly featuring Poirot or Marple and it has been suggested that only the Bible and Shakespeare’s canon have outsold an estimated 4 billion copies of her books. " (15 September 2008)
  3. News.com.au on Agatha Christie: "With more than two billion copies of her 80 crime masterpieces sold there is a ready-made audience for television adaptations." (8 February 2008)
  4. The Telegraph on Barbara Cartland: "Barbara Cartland, who, we are informed (on www.condor-sj.com), 'is the most widely read author in the world with more than 500 million books in print'?" (25 February 2007)
  5. CBS News on Barbara Cartland: "Dame Barbara Cartland, 98. Considered the world's most prolific author and Britain's queen of romantic fiction, with total sales of 1 billion books." (December 20 2000)
  6. The Independent on Harold Robbins: "During his 50-year career (he died in 1997) he sold an estimated 750 million books and, in the process, transformed himself into a brand." (23 September 2008)
  7. USA Today on Harold Robbins: "Starting in 1948, he sold 750 million books, including megasellers such as The Carpetbaggers, A Stone for Danny Fisher and The Betsy." (9 October 2007)
  8. The Age on Georges Simenon: "With worldwide sales of 500 million, he was the most widely read living writer of his era." (14 September 2003)
  9. The Wall Street Journal on Georges Simenon: "In his lifetime Simenon published some 570 books, using 17 pen names, which have sold more than 700 million copies in 40 countries and were translated into 57 languages." (1 April 2003)
  10. Encyclopedia Britannica on Enid Blyton: "By the late 20th century her books had sold more than 300 million copies and been translated into at least 90 languages." (24 November 2007)
  11. The Huddersfield DailyExaminer on Enid Blyton: "She has been translated into 90 languages, is the sixth most popular writer worldwide according to UNESCO and almost equal to Shakespeare, and has sold 600 million copies." (25 August 2008)
  12. Reuters on Danielle Steel: "Steel has since sold more than 560 million books and on Tuesday will publish her 72nd novel "Honor Thyself."" (21 February 2008)
  13. MSNBC on Danielle Steel: "Authored by Danielle Steel, whose romance novels have sold more than 570 million copies, [...]" (17 June 2008)
  14. The Daily Utah Chronicle Archived 2008年4月15日, at the Wayback Machine. on Dr. Seuss: "The Pulitzer Prize-winning Seuss wrote and illustrated 47 books and sold more than 100 million copies in 18 languages." (5 March 2001)
  15. The New York Times on Dr. Seuss: "Today Dr. Seuss's 44 books have been translated into 21 languages, selling more than 500 million copies." (2 March 2004)
  16. Susan Edgerton e.a. in Imagining the Academy: Higher Education and Popular Culture page 53, on Gilbert Patten: "It is estimated that at least 125 million copies of the Frank Merriwell series (which itself ran to at least 209 books) were sold." (2004)
  17. LeRoy Ashby in With Amusement For All: A History of American Popular Culture Since 1830 page 145, on Gilbert Patten: "[...] the Merriwell brothers, the heroes of almost 250 children's books, whose total sales of 500 million copies surpassed those of the Bible between 1896 and 1918." (2006)
  18. New York Times February 15, 1987
  19. AFP アーカイブ 2008年12月1日 - ウェイバックマシン on J. K. Rowling: "Rowling's stories of boy wizard Harry Potter have sold almost 350 million copies around the world in some 65 languages." (8 May 2008)
  20. NineMSN アーカイブ 2008年9月27日 - ウェイバックマシン on J. K. Rowling: "Rowling has amassed an estimated $1.2 billion fortune from the Potter series, which has sold over 400 million books worldwide and spawned a $15 billion industry." (23 March 2008)
  21. The Chicago Tribune on Jackie Collins: "More than 250 million copies of her books have been sold to fans in more than 40 countries" (1 January 2007)
  22. The Guardian on Jackie Collins: "One of the world's bestselling writers with more than 400 million books sold in over 40 countries. " (27 June 2004)
  23. The Chinook Observer on Horatio Alger, Jr.: "Americans bought 200 million copies of his dime novels -- with intriguing titles like Raggedy Dick and Sink or Swim. " (30 March 2005)
  24. Time magazine on Horatio Alger: "[...] that have sold from 100 million to 400 million copies, depending on which literary historian you believe." (12 February 1973)
  25. The Hindu on R. L. Stine: "As R.L. Stine points out (and he should know, having sold over a 100 million copies of over 160 different spooky stories)" (7 September 2003)
  26. Pittsburh Post-Gazette on R. L. Stine: "Altogether, Stine has sold more than 400 million books." (8 April 2007)
  27. Latin American Herald Tribune on Corin Tellado: "In the course of her life she published more than 4,000 romance novels that sold 400 million copies, which earned her a place in the Guinness Book of Records where she has been a fixture since 1994." (11 April 2009)
  28. AFP on Corin Tellado: "Corin Tellado, Spain's most prolific romantic novelist whose books sold over 400 million copies, died Saturday at the age of 81, three days after she finished her last novel, a hospital official said." (11 April 2009)
  29. Variety on Sidney Sheldon: "A NEW MILESTONE FOR Sidney Sheldon, who has sold more than 325 million books" (6 October 1995)
  30. The Columbus Dispatch on Sidney Sheldon: "He was one of the world's most translated authors, selling more than 400 million books in 180 countries." (January 31 2007)
  31. ABC Australia アーカイブ 2009年2月7日 - ウェイバックマシン on Stephen King: "Stephen King, author of more than 40 novels with sales of around 300 million copies, [...]" (12 November 2006)
  32. BBC on Stephen King: "But - after selling 350 million copies of his horror and suspense books - the author's latest work draws on a series of events which almost broke him." (22 November 2006)
  33. Nishi-Nippon Shinbun Archived 2008年3月30日, at the Wayback Machine. (Japanese Language, 25 February 2007)
  34. 日経エックストレンド: "累計発行部数は3億3000万部超え 赤川次郎の「アイデアの源」"(Japanese Language, 23 December 2019)
  35. Ray Broadmus Browne and Pat Browne in The Guide to United States Popular Culture page 473, on Louis L'Amour: "His books have sold over 230 million copies, making him one of the best- selling authors in modern literary history. " (2001)
  36. The Jamestown Sun on Louis L'Amour: "More than 330 million copies of his books have been sold, translated into 27 languages." (29 October 2001)
  37. The Times of India on Dean Koontz: "His books are published in 38 languages; worldwide sales are nearly 200 million copies, and that figure currently increases more than 17 million copies per year." (22 July 2003)
  38. The OC Register on Dean Koontz: "Admitting to finally having found a great editor at Bantam, the author, who has sold 325 million books in 38 languages, talked about his craft. " (September 25 2007)
  39. The New York Sun on Erle Stanley Gardner: "Erle Stanley Gardner (whose Perry Mason stories sold more than a 100 million books)" (20 July 2005)
  40. The New York Times on Erle Stanley Gardner: "Gardner's books continue to be reissued regularly both here and abroad. Sales to date exceed 325 million copies." (22 November 1992)
  41. The International HeraldTribune on Jin Yong: "Jin Yong is an even more popular novelist whose lengthy kung fu fantasies have sold more than 100 million copies" (20 June 2000)
  42. The People's Daily on Jin Yong: "Jin Yong, born in Zhejiang in East China, is the world's biggest-selling author of martial arts novels, having sold almost 300 million copies of his works." (11 April 2005)
  43. BBC AudioBooks catalogue Archived 2011年7月7日, at the Wayback Machine. on Janet Dailey: "Janet Dailey has written more than 100 novels and is one of the world's topselling women writers, with more than 300 million copies of her books sold in nineteen languages in ninety-eight countries" (2007)
  44. Pamela Regis in A Natural History of the Romance Novel page 159 on Janet Dailey: "There are 300 million copies of her books in print, making her the third best-selling author of all time" (2007)
  45. BBC on Nora Roberts: "Nora Roberts currently has 145 million books in print." (6 June 2002)
  46. The Herald-Mail on Nora Roberts: "There are nearly 300 million copies of her books in print." (4 May 2007)
  47. BBC on Robert Ludlum: "He has sold more than 110 million books in 40 countries and 32 languages." (13 March 2001)
  48. BBC on Robert Ludlum: "The author, who died in 2001, has sold more than 290 million books worldwide." (11 August 2005)
  49. The New York Times on Frédéric Dard: "Mr. Dard wrote almost 300 books, of which more than 200 million copies have been sold." (15 June 2000)
  50. The Washington Post アーカイブ 2011年5月17日 - ウェイバックマシン on Frédéric Dard: "Mr. Dard worked as a journalist in Lyon from 1942 to 1950 before dedicating himself to novels, theater and film. He used a number of pseudonyms, among them Frederic Charles, Kaput and L'Ange Noir (The Black Angel), and sold more than 270 million books." (9 June 2000)
  51. The Daily Nebraskan Archived 2008年4月13日, at the Wayback Machine. on the Berenstains: ""They've sold over 200 million copies of their books," said director James Larson." (21 November 2005)
  52. Variety on the Berenstains: "The company also is offering a new animated series based on the Berenstain Bears, the hugely popular children's brand that has sold more than 260 million books worldwide." (7 April 2002)
  53. The New York Times on John Grisham: "Over the last 15 years, more than 100 million copies of Mr. Grisham's books have been published in hardcover and paperback worldwide." (19 January 2005)
  54. BBC on John Grisham: "While legal thriller writer Grisham - who has sold more that 250 million books in his 20-year career - picked up a lifetime achievement award, Ian Rankin's The Naming of the Dead won best crime thriller." (28 March 2007)
  55. The Payson Roundup on Zane Grey: ""Zane Grey had 250 million books published," Wolfe said." (22 November 2005)
  56. The Writer's Almanac on Irving Wallace: "Although often scorned by critics, his 16 novels and 17 works of nonfiction have sold some 250 million copies worldwide." (19 March 2003)
  57. USA Today on J. R. R. Tolkien: "Tolkien's franchise has resulted in more than 200 million books sold globally and $3.5 billion in box office revenue — not to mention tens of millions of DVDs sold." (23 April 2007)
  58. Vancouver Sun Archived 2012年11月5日, at the Wayback Machine. on J. R. R. Tolkien: "Since its publication in the mid 1950s, the series (plus its prequel The Hobbit) has sold an estimated 250 million copies and has inspired legions of fans who revere the books." (November 20 2008)
  59. The Wall Street Journal on Karl May: "the best-selling German author of all time, with 100 million books" (1 January 2004)
  60. Deutsche Welle on Karl May: "With sales of over 200 million books, Karl May remains a household name in today's Germany." (4 April 2001)
  61. CBC obituary of Mickey Spillane: "He sold more than 100 million books, and Hammer inspired several TV series and movies." (18 July 2006)
  62. The Washington Post on Mickey Spillane: "According to today's industry estimates, his 26 books have sold more than 200 million copies." (22 August 2001)
  63. BBC on C. S. Lewis: "favourite Northern Irish author has sold over 100 million books and inspired the Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings novels." (8 February 2008)
  64. The Daily Herald アーカイブ 2011年5月17日 - ウェイバックマシン on C. S. Lewis: "C.S. Lewis may not be on the best-seller list, but it is estimated that his 38 books have sold more than 200 million copies worldwide and remain in print 38 years after his death." (20 October 2001)
  65. Famitsu.com (Japanese language, May 11 2007)
  66. Broadway.com on Charles Dickens (figures for A Tale of Two Cities only!): "Since its inaugural publication on August 30, 1859, A Tale of Two Cities has sold over 200 million copies in several languages, making it one of the most famous books in the history of fictional literature." (24 April 2008)
  67. Benjamin M. Compaine and Douglas Gomery, 'Who Owns the Media?: Competition and Concentration in the Mass Media Industry' page 115"
  68. The Wall Street Journal on Ann M. Martin: "A year earlier, however, the movie version of "The Baby-Sitters Club" -- based on a series of young-adult books that have sold more than 180 million copies -- sold only $10 million in tickets, barely exceeding its $6.5 million budget." (8 October 2004)
  69. Japan Inc. on Ryōtarō Shiba: "Altogether, including such genres as dialogues with other authors, more than 180 million copies of his books have been printed" (22 June 2006)
  70. The Age on Arthur Hailey: "Arthur Hailey , who has died at his home in the Bahamas aged 84, was one of the most commercially successful authors of all time, producing 11 books which sold more than 150 million copies, were translated into about 40 languages, and brought him tens of millions of dollars" (28 November 2004)
  71. The Washington Post on Arthur Hailey: "He wrote 11 books, which were published in 40 countries and 38 languages, with about 170 million copies in print." (27 November 2004)
  72. Sunday Herald Archived 2008年4月13日, at the Wayback Machine. on Gerard De Villiers: "De Villiers, now 78, claims to have sold an extraordinary 150 million books over his career - with every year a million more added to the total in France alone." (November 19 2007)
  73. Lucia Marginean in Collecting Beatrix Potter Figurines page 2, on Beatrix Potter: "Beatrix Potter's books have been translated into more than 35 languages and sold over 100 million copies. " (2008)
  74. USA Today on Beatrix Potter: "Potter's story of the rabbit who is nearly killed after defying his mother's warnings to avoid the garden of a farmer named McGregor has sold more than 150 million copies in 35 languages." (23 June 2003)
  75. The Telegraph on Michael Crichton: "His books have sold more than 150 million copies." (1 July 2007)
  76. Wall Street Journal on Michael Crichton: "Although it is always difficult to gauge the total sales of any author, Mr. Crichton's Web site states that he has sold more than 150 million books, and that 13 of them have been adapted into movies." (16 November 2006)
  77. Encyclopedia Britannica on Richard Scarry: "His "busy" books and dictionaries sold more than 100 million copies worldwide, and in 1989 eight of his books made the list of the top 50 best-selling children's books of all time." (2008)
  78. Worldscreen on Richard Scarry: "More than 150 million books by Richard Scarry have been sold worldwide and translated into 30 languages." (2 April 2007)
  79. The Times-Union アーカイブ 2010年10月28日 - ウェイバックマシン on James Patterson: "The prolific novelist has more than 100 million books in print and has spent 150 straight weeks on USA Today's list of overall top-selling authors. " (February 26 2006)
  80. ABC News on James Patterson: "Interesting that James Patterson has sold nearly 150 million books." (13 March 2008)
  81. The Rocky Mountain Collegian Archived 2008年4月15日, at the Wayback Machine. on Clive Cussler: "An audit later revealed the number of Cussler books sold was around 40 million at the time the contract was negotiated in 2000." (5 March 2007)
  82. The Telegraph on Clive Cussler: "His widely popular novels - his new one, Golden Buddha, the first in an adventure series called The Oregon Files, is published next month - have sold 150 million copies in 40 languages and have made the author a very wealthy man." (23 February 2004)
  83. Dominic Head in The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English page 431 on Alistair McLean: "Alistair Maclean's works have sold more than 150 million copies worldwide." (2006)
  84. BBC on Astrid Lindgren: "Lindgren's books have sold over 100 million copies in some 80 languages." (28 January 2002
  85. BusinessWeek on Astrid Lindgren: "True, Lindgren's books, which have sold more than 145 million copies the world over, remain bestsellers to this day and the films based on her scripts continue to be immensely popular." (16 November 2007)
  86. Hello Magazine on Jeffrey Archer: "To date he has notched up sales of over 120 million books worldwide." (2008)
  87. The Times of India on Jeffrey Archer: "[...]Archer who has sold over 140 million copies worldwide" (11 October 2008)
  88. The New York Times on Eiji Yoshikawa: "It has remained on the Japanese best-seller list ever since its initial publication as a novel in 1971, and has sold an estimated 120 million copies." (13 September 1981)
  89. The Age on Catherine Cookson: "One hundred million copies of her 103 books have been sold worldwide." (6 October 2008
  90. Hastings Chronicle Archived 2008年4月13日, at the Wayback Machine. on Catherine Cookson: "When Dame Catherine died, in June 1998, she had completed 103 novels, sold over 120 million books worldwide and had £20 million in the bank - all of which went to charities." (2008)
  91. The Library of Congress Archived 2008年3月29日, at the Wayback Machine. on Norman Bridwell: "Now more than 80 Clifford books have been published, close to 100 million books are in print, and Clifford's adventures are published in several languages worldwide." (2002)
  92. KRCB television Archived 2008年4月4日, at the Wayback Machine. on Nroman Bridwell: "Scholastic’s beloved, best-selling children’s books by Norman Bridwell, with more than 160 titles and 110 million books in print." (2008)
  93. AFP アーカイブ 2008年6月4日 - ウェイバックマシン on Paulo Coelho: "He is the all-time best-selling writer in the Portuguese language, with a total of between 92 million and 100 million books sold." (May 31 2008)
  94. The Times on Paulo Coelho: "Coelho is estimated to have sold more than 100 million books since 1982, his work having been translated into 66 languages" (1 March 2008)
  95. The International Herald Tribune on Roald Dahl: "Dahl's books, many of them darkly comic and featuring villainous adult enemies of the child characters, have sold over 100 million copies." (13 September 2006)
  96. BBC on Roald Dahl: "Exhibitions and children's reading campaigns are being held to commemorate the life of Dahl, who died in 1990 and has sold more than 100 million books." (13 September 2006)
  97. The New York Times on Ed McBain: "Ms. Gelfman, his agent, estimated that in 50 years of writing, he had sold more than 100 million copies of his work." (July 7 2005)
  98. The Hollywood Reporter on Ed McBain: "Evan Hunter, 78, a best-selling cop novel author who sold more than 100 million books under his own name and the pseudonym Ed McBain." (December 30 2005)
  99. The Sun Runner Archived 2008年4月5日, at the Wayback Machine. on Andrew Neiderman: "Aside from the fact that “The Devil’s Advocate” is a film classic featuring Al Pacino, Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron, Neiderman has over 100 million books in print and has been published in 95 countries. " (2005)
  100. Authors' Den on Andrew Neiderman: "Neiderman has over 100 million books in print and has been published in 95 countries." (3 August 2006)
  101. The Independent on Roger Hargreaves: "The popularity of the original characters led to a television series, sold 100 million books and created a business worth £130m" (22 January 2003)
  102. News Australia on Roger Hargreaves: "The popular series featured characters like Mr Strong, Mr Tickle and Mr Muddle, and it has been estimated that more than 100 million books from the Mr Men range had been sold worldwide." (February 11 2008)
  103. The Dallas Morning News on Anne Rice: "All told, her books have sold more than 75 million copies worldwide, been made into movies and inspired a Broadway musical." (5 October 2008)
  104. Tampa St. Petersburg Times アーカイブ 2008年10月8日 - ウェイバックマシン on Anne Rice: "Her 27 novels have sold some 100-million copies." (5 October 2008)
  105. Variety on Robin Cook: "Cook, who with more than 100 million books in print virtually owns the medical-thriller genre, appears to be branching out of his element by adding an extraterrestrial component." (2 May 1997)
  106. Wesleyan University アーカイブ 2010年11月20日 - ウェイバックマシン on Robin Cook: "He has sold more than 100 million books worldwide, which have been translated into approximately 40 languages." (2007)
  107. The Telegraph on Wilbur Smith: "Translated into 26 languages, they have sold more than 80 million copies worldwide." (28 April 2007)
  108. The Herald アーカイブ 2008年4月13日 - ウェイバックマシン on Wilbur Smith: "He is the author of 25 best-sellers and claims in court papers to have sold about 100 million books." (21 May 2002)
  109. Augusta Chronicle on Erskine Caldwell: "Mr. Caldwell's books have sold 80 million copies and have been published in 43 languages. " (11 February 2007)
  110. The New York Times アーカイブ 2008年4月18日 - ウェイバックマシン on Erskine Caldwell: "More than 100 million copies of his books have been printed around the world, and his short stories continue to be included in anthologies" (1 December 1982)
  111. The Independent on Eleanor Hibbert: "She sold staggering amounts, in the region of 100 million copies." (28 September 2008)
  112. The New York Times on Eleanor Hibbert: "Eleanor Hibbert, a prolific and popular novelist whose books, written under the pen names Jean Plaidy, Victoria Holt and Philippa Carr, sold more than 100 million copies, died on Monday aboard a Mediterranean cruise ship." (January 21 1993)
  113. The New York Times アーカイブ 2008年4月18日 - ウェイバックマシン on Lewis Carroll: "Over 100 million copies of Carroll's book have been sold, Mr. Allen said." (18 April 1985)
  114. The Miami Herald on Denise Robins: "Miss Robins' novels, translated into 15 languages, sold more than 100 million copies. " (3 May 1985)
  115. China.org on Cao Xueqin: "Sun said that the book has sold over 100 million copies worldwide so far. " (14 December 2005)
  116. The Times of India on Ian Fleming: "Faulks took up where Fleming left off in 1966 with Octopussy and the Living Daylights, the last of 14 Bond books which have sold 100 million copies since." (13 July 2007)
  117. The New Zealand Herald on Ian Fleming: "Faulks took up where Fleming left off in 1966 with Octopussy and the Living Daylights, the last of 14 Bond books which have sold 100 million copies since." (July 11 2007-
  118. Eckhard Bernstein in Culture and Customs of Germany page 101 on Hermann Hesse: "Over 100 million copies of his works have been sold worldwide" (2004)
  119. The International Herald Tribune on Hermann Hesse: "Hesse's novels appear in 68 languages and have been sold more than 100 million copies worldwide" (28 October 1999)
  120. The Capital Journal Archived 2008年4月13日, at the Wayback Machine. on Rex Stout: "During his 88-year life, he had written about 50 books and 75 novellas and short stories, which had been translated into 26 languages and sold more than 100 million copies." (21 September 2003)
  121. The Philadelphia Enquirer on Rex Stout: "Readers have snapped up more than 100 million copies of the books." (29 November 1986)
  122. Dr. Jaap Van Ginneken in Screening Difference: How Hollywood's Blockbuster Films Imagine Race, Ethnicity and Culture page 124, on Anne Golon: "All together, they published thirteen titles, translated into forty-five languages and selling more than 100 million copies. " (2007)
  123. The Age on Anne Golon: "Somehow, despite her books having sold more than 100 million copies in 45 countries, Golon is living in straitened circumstances" (13 November 2004)
  124. CBS on Ken Follett: "In all, he's sold 90 million books." (7 October 2007)
  125. The Telegraph on Ken Follett: "If you didn't know Ken Follett was a multimillionaire novelist, whose books have sold, according to his publishers, about 100 million copies, you could be forgiven for thinking him a second-hand car-dealer." (7 October 2007)
  126. Kevin McCarthy's The Book Lover's Guide to Florida on Frank G. Slaughter: "Through 1990, Slaughter's books have averaged more than a million sales per title, totaling over 100 million copies." (1992)
  127. Bret E. Carroll in American Masculinities: A Historical Encyclopedia, page 449, on Edgar Rice Burroughs: "The twenty-five novels that followed between 1912 and 1947 were a huge commercial success, with over 100 million copies sold" (2003)
  128. Neil Shulman e.a. in Get Between the Covers: Leave a Legacy by Writing a Book, page 225, on John Creasey: "Over his lifetime, he managed to write over 600 novels and to sell approximately 100 million copies of his books worldwide." (2006)
  129. Thomas D. Hamm in The Quakers in America page 208, on James Michener: "Michener produced a steady stream of books for the rest of his life, with total sales of over 100 million." (2003)
  130. Zenkoku Shoten Shinbun Archived 2008年4月13日, at the Wayback Machine. (Japanese language, March 21 2008)
  131. Publishers Weekly on Debbie Macomber: "Last year her new books sold 2.8 million copies, bringing her total in print to more than 60 million." (19 June 2006)
  132. The Sun Journal アーカイブ 2008年5月11日 - ウェイバックマシン on Debbie Macomber: "With more than 100 million copies of her books in print, Debbie Macomber is one of the leading voices in women's fiction today with her novels regularly appearing on the best-seller lists." (29 April 2008)
  133. The Deseret News on Mary Higgins Clark: "Mary Higgins Clark has been on the New York Times best-sellers list 27 times and has more than 100 million copies in print in the United States" (29 March 2009)


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