
セウトポリス (古代ギリシア語: Σευθόπολις) は、古代トラキア人オドリュサイ王セウテス3世が、紀元前325年-紀元前315年に建設したヘレニズム都市[1][2][3]。現在、その遺構がブルガリアスタラ・ザゴラ州カザンラクに近いコプリンカ貯水池の湖底に残っていて、数キロメートル北方には、トラキアの数多くの王墓が残っている。南極サウス・シェトランド諸島グリニッジ島にあるセウトポリス峰は、この古代都市セウトポリスにちなんで命名された。














  1. Europe Between the Oceans: 9000 BC – AD 1000 by Barry W. Cunliffe, 2008,page 331,""... The most sophisticated was the capital, Seuthopolis, founded by the Odrysian king Seuthes III in c.32o BC. The town was laid out entirely in the style of a Hellenistic city...""
  2. A History of the Hellenistic World: 323 - 30 BC R. Malcolm Errington, 2008,"...in founding a city which he named after himself, Seuthopolis (SEG 42, 661). ..."
  3. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis: An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation by Mogens Herman Hansen,2005,page 1336,"Seuthopolis founded c.325-315"
  4. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis: An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation by Mogens Herman Hansen,2005,page 888,"It was meant to be a polis but this was no reason to think that it was anything other than a native settlement"
  5. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites (eds. Richard Stillwell, William L. MacDonald, Marian Holland McAllister),A Thracian city near the village of Koprinka. It was founded at the end of the 4th c. B.C. by Seuthes III. The large quantity of material discovered during the excavation has shown that Seuthopolis was not only a center of production, but also of commerce. The city rises on a terrace circumscribed on three sides by the Tundza and by one of its tributaries. It was a fortified city of ca. 5 ha with a pentagonal circuit wall 2 m thick and 890 m in perimeter, with a quadrangular tower at each angle. At the N, between two towers, is the principal gate; and at the south are two gates between bastions. The wall is constructed of clay bricks and wood on stone foundations. The city's orthogonal plan is regular, with two large arteries that lead from the gates to the center. The agora is in the NW sector. In the NE zone is a walled and towered trapezoidal area within which is enclosed the palace of the prince and the Sanctuary of the Great Gods of Samothrace. In the houses, which are built with rooms around a court, has been found a type of plaster. Elements of porticos have been found and upper galleries of wood. The houses were furnished with wells and drainage systems with a channel in the center of the street. The influence of Hippodamos is evident, though the democratic distribution of living quarters is lacking. Seuthes III built his city on the site of an earlier settlement, and he also followed the Hellenistic fashion of the Diadochi in giving it his own name. Greek influence is prevalent in the urban elements cited and in decoration such as antefixes, stucco, and incrustation, and in the use of the Doric capital
  6. An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis: An Investigation Conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation by Mogens Herman Hansen,2005,page 888
  7. The Ancient Celts by Barry W. Cunliffe,
  8. The Hellenistic Settlements in Europe, the Islands, and Asia Minor by Getzel M. Cohen,1996," The existence of Seuthopolis in Thrace was not known until 1948"
  9. Explore the Valley of Thracian Kings – Bulgaria’s Thracian Heritage https://www.rosefestivalkazanlak.com/valley-thracian-kings-bulgarian-heritage/#seuthopolis


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